Monday, October 28, 2013

MODA process

Here are a few images on the MODA, Museum of Design Atlanta process.

Rendering ideas of the schematics of MODA to use as a background.

Cover ideas of the info-graphic.
Info-graphic imageries.

Cinema 4D rendering of the logo.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week Six: Personal Workspace

Here is a picture of my main workstation, its where most of my creativity starts. It ranges from sketching to photography.

This is my second table, where I kept most my books. I like having these books because it help me break through that creative block. 

This is my third station, where all my sketches and photos convert into digital format.

Week Five: Block of Type

I recently embark on a type hunt journey in Decatur square. Decatur square is a city block within Atlanta that maintains a very traditional and engaging environment. Here are some of the typography I found while strolling through the area.